Every city, every town has its own dialect, its own local expressions that characterize it. Sayings that are often understood only by those who were born and raised there. Think of Milan, here too there are vernacular expressions and idioms peculiar to the city. Do you know the Milanese sayings? Let’s go and find out some of them.
Milanese sayings are pills of wisdom that are good not to forget. The Milanese dialect has very ancient origins; it is a dialect belonging to the western branch of the Lombard language. It is nice to remember these proverbs passed down through generations. Let’s see which ones are the most popular and fun.
Milanese sayings to learn to be to be a true milanés
- La févara burtulascia, cunt un legn la sa di discascia. 👉 the lazy man’s fever is driven away with a cudgel.
- Chi vòlta el cuu a Milan, le vòlta al pan. 👉 Chi volta le spalle a Milano le volta al pane.
- Tutt’i can mènnen la coa, tutt’i cojon voeur di la soa. 👉 All the dogs move their tails, all the fools want to have their say.
- Magna, bef e tas s’at vo vivar in pas. 👉 Eat, drink and shut up if you want to live in peace.
- Milan el po’ fa e’l po’ dì, ma el po’ minga l’acqua in vin convertì. 👉 Milan can do and say, but it cannot turn water into wine.
- Se te voeu fatt amà, fatt on por desiderà. 👉 If you want to be loved, make yourself wanted a little.
- La malerba l’è quèla che cress püssee. 👉 The bad weed never dies.
- Chi no g’ha colpa, no gha peccaa. 👉 Who has no fault, has no sin.
- Either you eat the soup or you jump out the window. 👉 Either you eat the soup or you jump out the window.
- L’è chì el cunt del sart. 👉 Therein lies the crux of the matter.
- Work for ciappà cald. 👉 Work for nothing.
- Chi gh’ha la dònna bella, l’è minga tutta soa. 👉 Who has the beautiful woman, she’s not all his.
- Padrun cumanda, caval el trota. 👉 The master commands, the horse trots.
- El sospett l’è il velen de l’amicizia.👉 Suspicion is the poison of friendship.
- Se te se moeuvet mai spetta minga che te rusen. 👉 If you never move don’t expect a push.
- Va a ciapà i ratt👉 Go get the rats – and that’s a fancy way to tell someone off