According to a recent study by City Vision Score not far from Milan (just an hour’s drive) is Italy’s most livable municipality. CVS is an indicator that evaluates the degree of “intelligence” of 7,896 Italian municipalities. The score is based on 30 parameters distributed in the six key areas of smart cities: Smart Governance, Smart Economy, Smart Environment, Smart Living, Smart Mobility and Smart People. This report crowns in first place in smart living a small municipality of 1,500 inhabitants in the province of Cremona just 62 kilometers away. It tops the list as Italy’s most livable municipality for: availability of essential services, sustainability, citizen well-being
The most livable municipality in Italy just an hour from Milan
City Vision Score’s ranking has crowned Credera Rubbiano as Italy’s most livable municipality. This small town spread across the Cremasque plain is the best-living town. According to the latest City Vision report on “smart living” – translatable as “living well” – compiled by the company Blum in collaboration with the company Prokalos. As already mentioned, it took first place for availability of essential services, sustainability, and citizen well-being.
In addition, the indicators used to analyze smart living are the following: housing density, cost of living, access to essential services, life expectancy at birth, and local health coverage, which was assessed by relating the number of pharmacies to the resident population.
Almost tied in the national ranking are the municipalities of Cordovado (Pordenone), Imola (Bologna), Bagno a Ripoli (Florence) and Treviso. The analysis showed a marked supremacy of northern Italy. Small towns also emerge as models of sustainability and innovation. However, there is no shortage of positive examples in Central and Southern Italy.
A serene, peaceful place to live well. And if you need more living Milan and Cremona are easily reached in a short time.